Thursday, August 17, 2006

Good morning worthy friends. Just a quick post and im off to actually having to work which basically involves dealing with pissed off people who have somehow gotten themselves involved in the criminal justice system. Not that i am complaining, i actually enjoy listening to a bunch of whiny-butts with no sense of accountability try to B.S. their way out of the cost of being an idiot. Like i always say, if there were no naughty, stupid, or socially retarded people in the world, i would be out of a job. I look at my interaction with these individuals as another benefit. I get free entertainment, get paid for it, and come up with all kinds of material to use to entertain my friends and family! Hopefully it will prove to be entertaining post material as well.

By the way, another blog ive been to, sounds like kissy is off to a good start.

So kids, stay healthy and have a crap load of fun today, okay?



At 12:22 PM, Blogger cathouse teri said...

Well, ya sound like a fun guy, Chuggy! I look forward to more of your anecdotes! My ex is a cop, so yeah... we had plenty of fun talking about idiotic behavior... hehehe


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