Thursday, September 28, 2006

Political Candidates Shut the Fuck Up.

How many of you are sick of the political ads, i know, i know it happens every election cycle and this one is no exception. The thing that gets me on this is all the ads do is bitch and moan about the OTHER candidate, waaah-haah-haah-haaah! Hey guys(politicians) come closer, i have a little secret to tell you, no closer....... closer... ok, can you hear me?


Stop your goddamned pissing and whining and stop telling me about the other candidate and tell me something about yourself. Hey, here's a strategy... tell me what you stand for and not what the other moron is not standing for! Tell me how your going to get the hell out of my way as i work to support my family and make ends meet. Instead of holding one hand out to receive bribes and the other hand to jerk-off special interest, why dont you get your dumb ass back to your home state and actually do something? How about we go kill the bastards that want to harm our country and kill our people? How about securing our borders against those that would do us harm? How about lowering taxes some more so taht we can make better use our money instead of sending it to you and your greedy-ass friends? Honestly, do you think that gay marriage is the top priority at this point in time?

Hey, how about getting behind our troops and supporting their mission. How about trying to work WITH the President instead of monday morning quarterbacking? Set your idiotic party dogma aside and get with the program. When are we going to understand that we are at war? We may not have declared it, but it has definitely been declared on us. How about we pull our heads out of our collective asses and wake up. Those things that we pretend to espouse are being taken away from us a piece at a time. And those of you that are not getting out and voting need to get up off your fat ass! Freedom is a wonderful thing, at least ACT like you care.

Mainly for the politicians, quit calling me with the fucking computer telling me how the other guys sucks. Basically if you are too chicken-shit to get out and actually meet some people then take your ass back home, im sure that the Apprentice has a lot to offer you.

That is all,


Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I only wish i had these moves.

Monday, September 18, 2006


Yes friends it is the season that we all look forward to, marching band competitions. Sit down and i will spin you the tale of dorky kids dressed in pseudo-military uniforms made completely of non fire retardant synthetic fibers. Family, friends and over zealous geeks lay down their pocket protectors, take out their retainers and headgear, don the school colors and scream wildly as the 3rd chair flute sticks the trill in the 4th measure of Aztec Fire. See the coming together, if you will, the work of hours of hard marching in the painful fields and sweaty sessions in the band room come together in an orgasmic frienzy of flag and drum, brass and woodwind and the tempetuous soiree that is competetive marching band. Thrill to the crowd in heated furvor scream for all they have as their band stiffly, deftly and sharply delivers the classic renditions of Styx, Fantasia, and the music of John Williams. Indeed my friends it is not unlike looking at the sun, for what else is there to see when you have been to heaven? It is my contention, worthy friends, that all matters, big and small could be settled on the marching field. No more wars, no more debates of celestial bodies and the meaning of existence. If Socrates could only have viewed the Bondurant Marching Bluejay Pride last saturday, his famous quote, "the unexamined life is not worth living." would be but whispers of nonsense (maybe it was Marcus Aurelius that said that). Anyway, if gangs could but "throw it down" on the competition field instead of out of a moving car, life would be beautiful. Terrorists could play to the sound of their own color guard blowing themselves up in beautiful cascades of crimson in time with with the magical sounds of finger symbols. Ah, but i dream. Guess we just have to go back to what we know, acting like assholes and watching the Apprentice, YOUR FIRED!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

And now for something completely different.

The Fine Art of Free Speech and Dissent

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Uh-wah? Fascinating blog, im posting it so i can find it later.

Eros Philia Agape

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Is everyone on blogspot a fricken poet?

Hi-ho, your ole pal Chuggy just cruising the blogosphere (government work is just great!). It seems like every page i come up on always has some kind of poetic, fruity little saying that is supposed to lead us to believe the author is some kind of enlighted individual that is casting pearls to swine. Having been accused of being a member of the porcine crowd, i was not offended, just amused enough as to cause my bald head to tilt just a little and say, "hmmm".

For the record, im not complaining but im just trying to wonder where it all comes from. Is there a book out there of somekind that i missed out on that has all of these clever phrases in it? I like a poem as well as the next dude but when did the world get so sugary in its language. I guess maybe its the mindset that we all get, you know what i mean. We all claim to watch public telivison so that we may may come off as sophisticated and rarely do we admit to the guilty pleasure of watching the Three Stooges or re-runs of Threes Company on TVLand. And how often have you heard someone say, "i really dont watch much TV". I say B - b- b- b- BULLSHIT!

Look. Shakespeare is awesome, boring and long-winded at times but when you get through the language there are a lot of cool messages of love, honor, good and evil, hatred, revenge, war, tragedy and comedy as well. Ultimately it is entertainment, we draw from it what we will and live our lives. He played to the enlightened part of ourselves as well as the more base and common parts of the human condition as well. Take it as good entertainment and take into your heart what you will. You are the instrument and he as well as other artists, writers, musicians are playing their music with the strings of your heart, mind and soul.

So, what is the message? I have no damned idea.


Monday, September 11, 2006

Very insightful blog here. Smaller government = freedom.

Libertarian Observer


Friday, September 08, 2006

Definitely a blog to watch. Keep it going Tom.

Tom's Temp Blog

How can you tell if your best friend is gay?

A; If his dick tastes like shit

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Back to normal life. Now that the summer is passed things are now getting back to normal. Kids are back in school (one in college) and the season of fall sports is in the air. Football and volleyball games will dominate the schedules of most of our kids either as atheletic participants or as band geeks in marching contests and half-time. I enjoy this time of year, the sights, the smells and the generally more agreeable weather(summer heat is a bitch for chubby dudes). Household projects stand ready to be completed, im on my third year of finishing the basement, more than halfway, wooh hoo!

Election time is coming as the suited whores of Washington, DC decend upon us again to feast on the flesh of the unsuspecting dupe stupid enough to listen to their fetid lines of caring about you and your family. Always understand that they could really give a rats ass about you or your situation and are in it for themselves and to enrich the lot of their buddies. So Chuggy, what do we do, not vote? No, just listen to what you are actually being told and try to look past the gobbildy gook that is being spoon- fed to you. Question the motives of all of the candidates, dont just accept the cute little buzz quips they have prepackaged for you. These guys and gals are like prom dates, they will do and say whatever it will take to get you to pull down your intellectual panties so they do what they will with you and then go back to DC and sit in their rooms, hi-five each other and laugh at the dumb-ass back home they just gave a good fucking to.

Understand this, government never has and never will be able to make you happy, it is not its function. You and only you can bring happiness and meaning to your life. I expect my country to keep us safe from foreign threats, help build roads and transportation lines and then just get the hell out of the way of the rest. States, cities, municipalities and the citizens can handle the rest. I want my military to go out and kill our enemies, break their stuff and their will so they are no longer a threat to us. I believe that the politicians belong back in their home states dealing with the real problems not performing circle-jerks in the statehouse floor. What can we do?

Empower yourself and scrutinize these people, make them EARN your vote. Ask yoursef, are they a good person? Do they offer solutions or are they just criticizing the actions of those that are making a difference? Are their actions consistent with their words? What are the important issues involving you and your family and who is actually addressing this issue and working on a solution? Finally, are you going to vote? If no, then you deserve whatever outcome arises. If yes, good for you! Raise your voice and be heard! Make a blog and let your thoughts be known!

This is enough for now, thoughts?
