Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Back to normal life. Now that the summer is passed things are now getting back to normal. Kids are back in school (one in college) and the season of fall sports is in the air. Football and volleyball games will dominate the schedules of most of our kids either as atheletic participants or as band geeks in marching contests and half-time. I enjoy this time of year, the sights, the smells and the generally more agreeable weather(summer heat is a bitch for chubby dudes). Household projects stand ready to be completed, im on my third year of finishing the basement, more than halfway, wooh hoo!

Election time is coming as the suited whores of Washington, DC decend upon us again to feast on the flesh of the unsuspecting dupe stupid enough to listen to their fetid lines of caring about you and your family. Always understand that they could really give a rats ass about you or your situation and are in it for themselves and to enrich the lot of their buddies. So Chuggy, what do we do, not vote? No, just listen to what you are actually being told and try to look past the gobbildy gook that is being spoon- fed to you. Question the motives of all of the candidates, dont just accept the cute little buzz quips they have prepackaged for you. These guys and gals are like prom dates, they will do and say whatever it will take to get you to pull down your intellectual panties so they do what they will with you and then go back to DC and sit in their rooms, hi-five each other and laugh at the dumb-ass back home they just gave a good fucking to.

Understand this, government never has and never will be able to make you happy, it is not its function. You and only you can bring happiness and meaning to your life. I expect my country to keep us safe from foreign threats, help build roads and transportation lines and then just get the hell out of the way of the rest. States, cities, municipalities and the citizens can handle the rest. I want my military to go out and kill our enemies, break their stuff and their will so they are no longer a threat to us. I believe that the politicians belong back in their home states dealing with the real problems not performing circle-jerks in the statehouse floor. What can we do?

Empower yourself and scrutinize these people, make them EARN your vote. Ask yoursef, are they a good person? Do they offer solutions or are they just criticizing the actions of those that are making a difference? Are their actions consistent with their words? What are the important issues involving you and your family and who is actually addressing this issue and working on a solution? Finally, are you going to vote? If no, then you deserve whatever outcome arises. If yes, good for you! Raise your voice and be heard! Make a blog and let your thoughts be known!

This is enough for now, thoughts?



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