Thursday, August 31, 2006

Huzzah for Minnesota Renaissance! My lovely wife, Trixy and our two oldest children Shasta (18) and the Jman (17) are going to be regaled by troubadour, oohed by jugglers and aaahed by the king's royal court this weekend which will be our fifth outing at the renaissance festival in Shokopee Minnesota. It will be Jman's first time and Shastas second to this glorious event. Where else can you observe knights on horseback, women in clothes that cause their bosoms to defy gravity and listen to hundreds of people walk around in period regalia and speak in dreadfully bad English accents (not counting Madonna's bedroom)? It is a feast for all of the senses and just generally a good time. So folk's while im sitting down and having buxomy women serve me a fine dinner and ale(PBR, dont ask) and my wife once again busts me for my less than subtle glances at her ampleness, you have yourselves a rowdy and racous Labor Day Weekend and ill see you soon!




At 2:19 PM, Blogger Chuggy said...

your a sick pup, Jenna, why i love you!


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